How to Keep Your Indoor Cat from Being Destructive

by | Oct 31, 2019 | Blog

Many people agree that an indoor cat is a safer cat. But, when a cat stays indoors all the time, other problems can begin to rear their ugly heads. One of those problems is destructive behavior, and it leads to countless feline relinquishments and instances of euthanasia every year.

Are you dealing with an indoor cat who scratches furniture, scratches carpets, chews on or eats house plants, and/or climbs curtains or window screens? You aren’t alone. The most likely cause of destructive behavior in cats is boredom or lack of enrichment in their indoor environment.

Here are a few ideas to help you enrich your indoor cat’s environment:

Alternative feeding methods: Cats are hunters by nature. In fact, many outdoor cats spend 60 to 80 percent of their waking hours seeking prey. This not only keeps their minds occupied, but it also keeps them moving and at a healthy weight. Bowl-fed indoor cats miss out on this opportunity. The NoBowl Feeding System is designed to help indoor cats “hunt” for their food, keeping them occupied, satisfied, and healthy.

Rotating toys: You don’t need to spend your entire paycheck on regular new toys for your cat. Have a number of toys on rotation, so when your cat gets bored with some, you can change them out for others. Once the cat tires of those, bring back the previous toys. Also, many cats prefer a cardboard box or paper sack to a fancy cat toy. Learn what your cat enjoys and provide it for her.

Scratching surfaces and elevated climbing areas: If you don’t provide something interesting for your cat to scratch and climb, your cat will find something herself, and that will often be your furniture. Pet supply stores sell many cat scratching and climbing options.

Some destructive behavior in cats can be triggered by certain medical conditions. Contact our office if your cat is being destructive even after you’ve enriched her environment and our team will be happy to help.

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