What is the Role of a Veterinary Technician?
Veterinary technicians play a crucial role in your pet’s health care. They are specially trained to assist veterinarians in diagnosing and treating illness and injury in animals. If you want the best possible care for your pet, it is important to understand the role...
Back-to-School Considerations for Your Pet
Back-to-School Time for Pets: 3 Transition Tips Making the switch from summer to school can be rough for all family members, four-legged ones included. To help make the back-to-school transition easier—for your pet, at least—give the following tips a try. #1: Set up...
5 Signs of Pain in Your Pet
How To Spot Signs of Pain in Your Pet Pets are masters at hiding any vulnerabilities, so it can be tough to tell when they are in pain. September is Animal Pain Awareness Month, so do your pet a favor and learn the following common signs of pain to get them help when...
Learn About Early Detection Screening Tests for Your Senior Pet
4 Reasons Why Your Senior Pet Needs Early Detection Screening Tests It’s no secret that our pets do not live long enough. Along with a shorter lifespan—in relation to their human family members—come rapid health changes, particularly in their later years. Although...
Learn How Pet Vaccines Protect Your Pet From Disease
How Do Pet Vaccinations Protect My Pet? Your Questions Answered Although you know your pet needs vaccinations yearly, you may not fully understand what they protect against, how they work, and which ones are necessary. Our team answers these common questions about pet...
Learn to Prevent Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Your Cat
The Dangers of Sunlight: Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Cats Picture this: Your white cat is snoozing away in their favorite windowsill, soaking up the warmth from the late afternoon sun. Such an idyllic scene warms your heart, but too much sun exposure can be dangerous...
How To Help Your Pet Cope With Noise Aversion
Don’t Fear (the Fireworks): How to Help Your Pet Cope with Noise Aversion Many pets are scared of loud noises, whether they’re caused by the vacuum cleaner, construction, or fireworks. Although you may not be able to avoid all of these sounds completely, you can help...
4 Ways to Help Your Pet Avoid Tick-Borne Illnesses this Summer
4 Ways to Help Your Pet Avoid Tick-Borne Illnesses this Summer Nothing sends the creepy-crawlies up your spine more than spotting a tick prowling across your pet’s skin. When taking advantage of the beautiful summer weather to go hiking with your pet, help them...
3 Ways to Help Your Newly Adopted Cat Feel at Home
3 Ways to Help Your Newly Adopted Cat Feel at Home June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, although welcoming a new cat into your home and family is an excellent idea any time of year. However, naturally, your new feline friend may be unsure and anxious in their new...
5 Ways to Help Your Cat Safely Enjoy Warm Weather
5 Ways to Help Your Cat Safely Enjoy Warm Weather As spring and summer approach, you may be looking to enjoy the warmer weather with your furry friend. Try the following five ways to spice up your cat’s spring and summer. #1: Place a birdbath or feeder...
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High-quality veterinary care for the pets of Anaheim, CA and beyond.
Katella Animal Clinic is a full-service animal clinic located in Anaheim, CA. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Contact Info
Call: 714-535-6791
Email: info@katellavet.com
Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
Sat & Sun: Closed