Reasons Why Your Dog is Licking Their Paws
Does it seem like your pooch is constantly licking their paws? Before you bring out the cone of shame for your pooch, we want to help you discover the underlying cause to treat and cure the problem. Here are three of the most common reasons your dog may be licking...
Buckle Up! Car Travel Safety Tips for Pets
When taking a vacation or a road trip, you may want to include your pet in the fun and excitement. But, before heading out on your trip, ensure you prepare your pet for travel with the following tips from our team here at Katella Animal Clinic. #1: Keep your pet safe...
What Happens During My Pet’s Spay?
Although you know you should spay your female pet to prevent a host of medical and behavior issues, as well as unwanted puppies, you may not know what exactly happens during a spay surgery. Since World Spay Day—February 23—is approaching, let’s explain the procedure,...
10 Holiday Hazards Every Pet Owner Should Know
Though the holiday season brings about lots of festive decorations and joyful spirits, it can also bring about a fair share of hazards to pets. Check out Katella Animal Hospital's list of the 10 most common dangers to pets during this time of year. Unsecured...
The Importance of Regular Wellness Care
Regular wellness care is critical to ensuring your pet is protected from many preventable illnesses and subtle disease does not go undetected. We at Katella Animal Clinic want to share more about the importance of wellness care. What happens during my pet's wellness...
Why Year-Round Parasite Prevention is Vital for Pets
Don’t ‘Fall’ for Cooler Temperatures: Why Year-Round Parasite Prevention is Vital for Pets As we welcome autumn’s cooler temperatures, don’t “fall” for the notion that parasites will go to the ground. Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes can harbor in your home or garage over...
How to Build a Pet First Aid Kit in 3 Steps
September is National Disaster Preparedness Month, so it's the perfect time to prep your pet for any emergency situation! A first-aid kit that is fully stocked—not only for you but for your furry pal, too—is an essential component of any emergency plan. We've put...
3 Tips for Camping With Your Pet
Even though it still feels like we are in the midst of the summer heat, fall will quickly be upon us. What better way to enjoy the fall weather than by getting outdoors and enjoying a camping trip with your furry pal? Experience the delight of the changing leaves, a...
Anesthetic Monitoring Equipment for Your Pet
Our team is dedicated to keeping your furry companion safe when they come in for surgery! Whether for an elective procedure or a life-saving surgery, we use a variety of monitoring devices to keep a close eye on your pet and ensure their anesthetic event is as safe as...
Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Cats
If you have a light-colored kitty, then you know how beautiful it can be to stare into their piercing green or blue eyes. But did you know that these felines are at a higher risk for developing squamous cell carcinoma? Our team here at Katella Animal Clinic is here to...
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High-quality veterinary care for the pets of Anaheim, CA and beyond.
Katella Animal Clinic is a full-service animal clinic located in Anaheim, CA. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Contact Info
Call: 714-535-6791
Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
Sat & Sun: Closed